Laravel Notification Channel for Zoner SMS-Gateway

We decided to use Zoner SMS-Gateway for sending SMS messages in a Laravel application I developed for a client. It is a Finnish service for sending SMS messages with a simple HTTP API.

In Laravel, Notification is the abstraction for any kind of message that can be sent via a Notification Channel. Laravel includes implementations for some notification channels, and there are community-provided ones in Laravel Notification Channels site.

There was no notification channel implementation for Zoner, so I created one. As instructed in Laravel Notification Channels site, I made a pull request to get my implementation listed there, but so far there hasn’t been any reaction to it. I wonder if there is anyone updating the site any more. Meanwhile, you can get the implementation from our own GitHub repository.

WordCamp Jyväskylä

Today I attended WordCamp Jyväskylä, a one-day event focused on WordPress, mostly from developer’s point of view this time. The event had presentations on two tracks, and it was difficult to choose which track to attend as both tracks had interesting presentations.  I chose these presentations / workshops: